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Love fresh and locally grown produce? 

The Creative Living Community of CT is proud to offer our CSA program again this year. By purchasing a “share” of our farm up front before the start of the growing season you are investing in our farm business and providing us with funds to start our gardens.  We promise to grow the best possible products, including CLCC’s microgreens, given any constraints imposed by mother nature.  In addition, we may supplement each week’s share with fresh and flavorful locally grown produce and products.  Once the harvest begins, you will pick up your “share” that will include the best in season produce available.   As the season changes, so will the weekly offerings throughout our June through September CSA season.  The exact share size will vary throughout the season, depending on when our vegetables are ready for harvest.   
We will offer a 13 week vegetable share for $286.  This share size was our most popular share last year.  It is suitable for a family of 1 - 4 that likes to cook most meals at home.  Feel free to purchase 2 shares if you have a vegetable loving family or a larger family.
In addition, we will offer a fruit share for $80.  This share will consist of 5 fruit share pickups (2 in July, 2 in August and 1 in September) of locally sourced in season fruit.                                                                                                                     
Shares can be purchased here